Με βαθιά αγάπη στην καρδιά μου και πνευματική ευγνωμοσύνη στην ψυχή μου εύχομαι ταπεινά· ΧΡΙΣΤΕ ΑΝΑΠΑΥΣΟΝ ΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΩ ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΙΝΩ· στο σεβαστό Γέροντα, στον ανίκητο και παραδειγματικό μαχητή της ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΙΑΣ, στον φωτισμένο ιεράρχη της του Χριστού Εκκλησίας, στον φλογερό καί ακούραστο ιεροκήρυκα του Λόγου του Θεού, Επίσκοπο Φλωρίνης πατέρα Αυγουστίνο (ο μεταφραστής).
By Archimandrite Laurentios Gratseas
Rarely would he come out on the streets during his free time with his fellow students. When he was coming out usually he was visiting the courts, or often going to quite places, or to the cemetery, in order to philosophize on the vanity of the world and also to admire art works decorating the graves of the great benefactors. At that time he was reading the newspapers which were describing the astonishing news from the Asian Minor war front. At the same time he was successfully taking care of his father’s business . This is the period when the refuges from Asia Minor were arriving in Paros as well, (like in many other places throughout Greece); these events provoked a great impression on the mind of this young student .
During this period he kept regular correspondence with Fr. Philotheos Zervakos (besides being in personal contact) as well as with Demetrios Panagiotopoulos of the brotherhood of theologians “ZOE”- «ΖΩΗ», to whom he was expressing his concerns regarding the wide-spread in the society of atheistic ideas and worldly customs . He is also eager to read every good Christian magazine and book, as well as the great book of nature . In addition he is concerned for the the proper education and guidance of his three sisters . His friends in Paros, even during the vacations are few, and the drive towards the divine and holy things is very intense . In the church he stands in awe and fear of God; motionless, attentive, without wondering here and there . He lives like a monk in the world and especially grows in prayer. In one of his books he writes: « “O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us”. A very short prayer which every Christian must say mentally many times every day; it helps a lot. A.N. Kantiotes» . And to his parents he writes: “…Often the words of our faith gladden man much more than money and the other things” . However he must thank them, because they work very hard for him.
His personality already has been formed and he leaves “vivid impressions” around him…and to this day people speak about him with admiration and praise . In fact, one of his High School directors always used to say: “Two personalities passed through the High School of Syros: Venizelos and Kantiotes” (according to the testimony of Katherine Alimprantes-Hatzinikolaou). We can even say, that Fr. Augoustinos was predestined from his mother’s womb (see Galatians 1,15; Jer. 1,5). Or, as one of his mother’s friend simply said: “Augoustinos was chosen since he was a child” .
As a Student in Athens
“My ever memorable father, after my decision to study theology in Athens, agonizing for my life in the capital, led me to the brotherhood “ZOE”-«ΖΩΗ», with which he was connected not only as a subscriber but also as a representative of the subscribers of the island of Paros. I was accepted. I lived in the boarding house of the brotherhood “ZOE” for four years, working and studying as much as I could. This period of my life was a period of extraordinary blessings for my student years. The first blessing was that I was able to be in contact with the founder of the brotherhood of theologians “ZOE”, the holy preacher and priest Fr. Eusebios Matthopoulos, author of the famous book “The Destiny of Man”. I was faithfully following the sermons of his last years in the Church of the Domition of the Theotokos at Monasteraki. Another blessing was that for about two years I became the assistant of the ever-memorable Panagiotes Trempelas a leading theologian, who was incessantly writing, from early morning till night. In particular, I remember that on the falling asleep of the ever memorable Fr. Eusebius (June 29, 1929) he dictated the article to me being interrupted from emotions and tears. Another blessing, for which I am grateful to God, is that as a student, in particular I was able to be in the audience of the ever memorable Hristos Androutos, a renowned theologian and philosopher, among other university professors of course. ”
In Athens Fr. Augoustinos sips like the bee whatever good the surrounding environment offers to him. His life, as is the life of the two great holy fathers St. Basil and St.Gregory when they were studying in Athens, is enclosed between the University, the Church, and the boarding house. He finds and observes the great personalities of his time and draws lessons from them. In the boarding house of “ZOE” begins his close friendship with Fr. Christopher Kalyvas, who later became his supporter and co-champion in the good fight for the Church.
See N. Alimprantis, pp.60-61, 75, 64-65, 66, 68
See Periodical «ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ» – “STAVROS”, No.427/1998, pp.137.139
See N. Alimprantis, pp. 80, 72
See N. Alimprantis, pp. 73-76
See N. Alimprantis pp.73-76.
See N. Alimprantis pp.77
See N. Alimprantis pp.78
See N. Alimpantis pp.85
See N. Alimprantis pp.66
See N. Alimpantis pp. 71
See N. Alimprantis pp.76
Island Ios – «in the desert»
If for an Apostle as Paul was necessary the desert of Damascus, if for St.John Chrysostom was needed to spend time near hermits of Syria, in the same way the Divine providence intended for Fr. Augoustino a certain time during which he was isolated far from the world, in order to examine himself and decide his destiny.
«In December 1929, at age 22, I received the degree of Theology with the highest honors (summa cum laude). Perhaps it should have been better for me not to have received the highest honors and the excellent grades. These highest honors that I continued to receive, from my early years of the elementary education up until I finished college harmed me spiritually. I confess it publicly. Some sort of conceit possessed me because of the theological knowledge that I had been able to acquire. Not knowing, the wretched I, that one gram of holiness is worth a lot more than tons of barren knowledge, I thought that I was capable of navigating the endless and vast ocean of the theological erudition with the small and weak vessel of my intellect. I became drunk without wine, drunk with knowledge. And as a drunkard I was not paying attention to the advice of spiritual Fathers that sincerely loved me. Unrestrained I was rushing towards knowledge. And God humbled me for my arrogance. I abandoned an environment of priceless spiritual value for a dishful of knowledge, an environment for the high value of which my fellow-student, preacher and priest of the Brotherhood then, Fr. Christopher Kalyvas, testifies in his recently published book about monasticism and brotherhoods.
Because of my foolishness I was slung geographically and spiritually very far. I was slung to the island of Cyclades Ios, which was then the place of my exile. My long stay there became «the Sahara» of my life. I went from being a scientist (!) to becoming a grammar instructor, teaching the blameless children of the island the Greek Alphabet! Even today, in Ios, the people who remember me as their teacher are still alive. Oh Lord «it is good for me that Thou hast humbled me, that I might learn Thy statutes» (Ps. 118, 71)»[1].
His father had already passed away in 1929 – the year when Andreas received his diploma – at the age of 59 years. Thus the responsibility for the family weighed now heavier on his shoulders. In Ios he remained five whole years, helping his mother who was working there as a teacher. In the mean while, being loyal to his father’s commandment, he was taking care of the settlement of his three sisters.
«The demon of pride abandoned me for some time, but another demon, even worse, the demon of despair started to tempt me. And I was in danger of being lost spiritually. But the Lord sent to Ios His angel, who consoled me greatly and gave me courage. It was the ever memorable Lazaros Hatzithemeles, an itinerant preacher- theologian. When he was departing at the sea shore of the port of the island he reminded me the words of Apostle Peter: «Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in time; casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you»( 1 Peter 5,6-7).
And really the Lord cares about us! While the people had forgotten me and I was living alone and unknown, the Lord did not forget me. He lifted me from the depth. How? One rainy day in December of the year 1934, while I was going towards the school, I saw on the street a small letter – card-visit. Perhaps somebody else in my place would not pay attention. But something urged me from within to bend down and pick it up from the mud. I opened it and read: «Andreas (this was my baptismal name as layman), the position of the secretary of the Metropolis is vacant. Come fast. I am waiting for you...». It was a letter sent to me by the Metrpolitan Hierotheos of Aitoloakarnania. To me this letter was a calling from high above, an invitation by God, to serve the Church. And how did it end up in the mud? It had apparently slipped from the hands of the old mailman during that cold day of the winter. And in this case I ascertained over and again the reality of the truth which the Lord proclaimed by saying: «And the very hairs of your head are all numbered»(Matt. 10,30)». And St. Basil speaking on the same subject says: «Very often and in the smallest (detail) matters the wisdom and the providence of God is shown through[1]«.
Commitment in the service of the Church
Chancellor of the Metropolis of Aitolia and Akarnania
Fr. Augoustinos, even though as a distinguished graduate of theology he was appointed a high-school teacher, preferred to serve the Church, although financially the benefits were much less[2].
He writes: To that astonishingly sent invitation I did not remain disobedient. I obeyed eagerly. The first day of the year 1935 in the ship of the desolate line there were no other passengers except me, and the captain kept wondering how I was traveling on such a day. I was eagerly rushing to reach to my destination. And the next day I arrived at Messolonghi.
Oh Messolonghi! A sacred city of Hellenism, about which, our fine teachers and professors would shed tears from their eyes every time they spoke about it! Only the view of this city moved me in a profound way. Metropolitan Hierotheos, with whom I was previously acquainted during his service as metropolitan of Paronaxia, received me with open arms. At the monastery of Angelokastron I was tonsured monk and I received the name Augoustinos. In the village Paravola I was ordained a deacon. At the Holy Metropolis of Aitoloakarnania I served as secretary, chancellor and preacher for about six years. My memories from this service are many. I preached the word of God in cities and villages. From a humble villager I heard a most important lesson of homiletic, which influenced me in my life thereafter. And another villager gave me a book which contained the sermons of St. Cosmas Aitolos, a book which he was keeping in his hut as a precious treasure.
- [2] see farewell Encyclical to the priests of the Holy Metropolis of Aitolia and Acarnania in an independent, special pamphlet.
He himself picked the name “Augoustinos”, thus provoking in particular the curiosity of the bishop regarding his selection. The still then Andreas explained to him that he had chosen this name because he was greatly impressed by the repentance of Saint Augoustinos, and he wanted to follow and promote his example.
The preaching of Fr. Augoustinos at the beginning of his ministry was for the most part of a didactic character. And thus it was benefiting. However, as it appears, it needed something else. It was at this moment when he listened to and accepted the advice of the humble villager which he himself mentions above. “A certain day, at the end of one of his sermons, one of the villagers approached him and said to him perceptively: very well you spoke to us. But you accomplished nothing. We need an ox goad to awaken!” Thus he started the reproving kind of preaching” .
When he was preaching the audience of the faithful kept total silence, such that during the course of the sermon the impression left on the listeners was so strong that many of them would start to cry. During his visits to the villages the preaching was followed by confession from experienced spiritual confessors with special permission .
During his service in this Metropolis, Fr. Augoustinos will express for the first time his quest and recommendations for the course which the Church should take. It is here that he will want to apply in real life all the knowledge that he acquired during the period of his theological formation (knowledge which he always longed to turn into praxis) and all the dreams that he had for the renewal of the Church.
He undertakes the direction of the “Ecclesiastical Preparatory School” in Messolonghi , where he teaches Pastoral Ministry. He puts great efforts in trying to aspire in these candidates for clergy the faith they must have in the sublimity of their mission and ministry. They regularly convene clergy congresses as well as assemblies of spiritual fathers . He collaborates – as the assistant to the Bishop – with the priests, which distinguishes him for his respect and being straightforward. Even in those instances when he has no other choice but to use “strong and sharp language” trying to limit the evil, the lying and the deception, the imposition of wrongfulness and unjustness, he was “the spiritual benefactor as confessed by many priests” . His purpose in life is to always serve the Church in clean and clear conscience.
(2) “ΣΑΛΠΙΓΞ ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΙΑΣ – THE TRUMPET OF ORTHODOXY”, official magazine of the Holy Metropolis of Florina, Prespas and Heordaia, issue No.199/August 1985, p.200).
(3) Magazine “COSMAS AITOLOS”, official periodical of the Holy Metropolis of Aitolia and Akarnania, no. 251/1940.
(4) Magazine “COSMAS AITOLOS” No. 237 & 238/1940.
(5) Farewell Encyclical to the priests of the Holy Metropolis of Aitolia and Acarnania, July 10, 1941
Humbly translated by Aleksander P. Filip
With deep love from my heart and with a whole lot of gratitude from my soul, I dedicate this work to the honorable Elder, the exemplary champion of Orthodoxy, the enlightened hierarch of the Church of Christ, the fervent and the restless preacher of the Word of God, Bishop of Florina Father Augoustinos
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